Join PhD candidate Molly Harris on Thursday, December 7 for Bagels and Research hosted by The Morgridge Center for Public Service (Red Gym, Rm 154).
In this presentation, Molly will describe the Warrior Book Club, a community project that uses ancient and contemporary literature as a vehicle for examining and promoting the understanding of modern war experiences. The book club consists of veterans, service providers, and members of the general public who meet monthly to discuss literature centered on distinct themes related to war. This project, now in its second year, has already experienced success, fostering a robust dialogue surrounding the challenges veterans face when they return from war.
Molly is a Classics graduate student whose research focuses on war narratives in Greek tragedy. She received funding from the Humanities Exchange program of the UW-Madison Center for the Humanities to design and launch the book club and partnered with the Wisconsin Veterans Museum to bring the project to fruition. Molly is the primary coordinator for the Warrior Book Club and leads the monthly discussions.