Professor Laura K. McClure has been appointed President of the Classcial Association of the Middle West and South. She continues a Wisconsin tradition, following in the footsteps of past presidents Water “Ray” Agard (1944-45) and Paul L. MacKendrick (1969-70). Her term began in April, and she has been busy ever since with a steady stream of duties, including appointing numerous CAMWS committee members and state vice presidents, working with the program committee to review proposals for panels, workshops and more than four hundred individual abstracts in preparation for the114th CAMWS meeting in Albuquerque this April. Laura is currently in the process of organizing them into an exciting and coherent program, soon to be posted on the CAMWS website. She is proud to report that eight CANES graduate students, from both the Classics and Hebrew sides, will be presenting papers in Albuquerque. Their topics run the gamut, such as Homeric epic, Athenian tragedy and comedy, Hellenistic poetry and Imperial Roman historiography, reflecting the diversity of their graduate studies. CANES will be hosting a party for students, alumni and friends in the presidential suite during the conference. Details will be posted on Facebook as well as sent via email closer to the date. Please consider joining us!
More information about CAMWS can be found here: