William Aylward
Credentials: Cincinnati, PhD'00
Position title: Professor of Classics
Email: aylward@wisc.edu
Phone: 608-263-7498
968 Van Hise Hall
Research Interests:
Archaeology, art, architecture, and technology of the ancient Graeco-Roman world; classical myth and the Trojan War; the archaeological site of Troy; the archaeological site of Zeugma on the Euphrates
William Aylward teaches courses on the art and archaeology of ancient Greece and Rome, classical architecture, and classical myth. His research interests include Troy and the Trojan War, ancient Greek and Roman architecture and technology, cities and sanctuaries of Asia Minor, and the archaeological site of Zeugma on the Euphrates. He participated in the annual expedition to Troy with the Universities of Tübingen and Cincinnati between 1996 and 2012. He has edited three volumes on the rescue excavations at Zeugma for The Packard Humanities Institute (zeugma.packhum.org).