Tara Mulder
Credentials: Brown University, PhD'15
Position title: Assistant Professor
Email: tlmulder@wisc.edu
950 Van Hise Hall

Research Interests
History of birth and reproduction, Roman social history, ancient medicine and science, women, gender, sexuality studies, critical classical reception
Tara Mulder specializes in medicine, sex, and gender in antiquity, focusing particularly on the history of reproduction. She has published articles on the history and reception of reproduction, midwifery, abortion, gender and sexuality, and herbalism. Her academic trade monograph, A Womb of One’s Own: Childbirth in Ancient Rome tells a composite birth story, made up of the experiences of multiple (mostly) women. Other current projects include editing A Cultural History of Pregnancy and Childbirth in the Ancient World for Bloomsbury, and producing a translation of Metrodora’s Conditions of the Womb, a Byzantine medical text written by a woman.
Tara was the managing editor of Eidolon from 2015-2016 and on the editorial board from 2016-2020. She continues to engage in public-facing work, aiming to communicate academic research to the wider public. Tara teaches courses on Latin language, Roman literature, history and culture, and sex, gender, and ancient medicine. In her courses she highlights reverberations between the ancient and modern worlds. Before coming to UW Madison, Tara taught at Vassar College and the University of British Columbia.