Jeffrey Beneker
Credentials: North Carolina, PhD'03
Position title: Faculty Director, Chadbourne Residential College; Professor of Classics
Phone: 608-262-3320
904 Van Hise Hall
Personal Website
Jeff Beneker’s primary research interest is in Greco-Roman biography and historiography. He has written a book on Plutarch’s biographical method, The Passionate Statesman: Eros and Politics in Plutarch’s Lives (Oxford University Press 2012), and translated Plutarch’s political essays in How to Be a Leader (Princeton University Press 2019). With Craig Gibson (University of Iowa) he has published an edition and translation of the Byzantine progymnasmata of Nikephoros Basilakes (2016) and a translation of The Book of Syntipas the Philosopher (2021), both for the Dumbarton Oaks Medieval Library (Harvard University Press). He is co-editor with Georgia Tsouvala (Illinois State University) of The Discourse of Marriage in the Greco-Roman World (University of Wisconsin Press 2020). He is currently writing a biography of Pompey the Great (for Princeton University Press). In addition to teaching courses in Greek language and literature, he teaches lecture courses on Classical Mythology, Greco-Roman religion, and Greek civilization.