For every semester in which a student is preparing for an exam, including the semester in which the student intends to take the exam, after consulting with the Director of Graduate Studies (DGS) and the Instructor of Record (IOR) for the course, students will email a list of the course readings in each language and the supplementary materials that they plan to read in conjunction with the course materials to the IOR of the course, cc’ing the DGS and Graduate Program Coordinator (GPC), no later than the third week of classes.
Over the course of the semester, under the guidance of the IOR, students may modify their plans for supplementary readings; if this occurs, they should email the IOR of the source class a revised version of the original list, cc’ing the DGS and GPC, by the last day of classes in the semester.
Exam format details, including guidelines for faculty responsible for developing the exam.