The book The Byzantine Sinbad, translated by Jeff Beneker and Craig A. Gibson, has been short-listed for the Runciman Award. The award, given by The Anglo-Hellenic League annually, is for the best book published for …
Tales of the Trojan War
Author: Barry Powell Droll and ribald retellings of all the stories attached to the Trojan cycle, based on ancient sources, with abundant color illustrations of Trojan events from European and ancient art. Visit publisher’s website.
The Poems of Hesiod: Theogony, Works and Days, and The Shield of Herakles
Translator: Barry Powell In this new translation of Hesiod, Barry B. Powell gives an accessible, modern verse rendering of these vibrant texts, essential to an understanding of early Greek myth and society. With stunning color …
Modern American Drama: Playwriting in the 1970s
Author: Michael Vanden Heuvel The Decades of Modern American Drama series provides a comprehensive survey and study of the theatre produced in each decade from the 1930s to 2009 in eight volumes. Each volume equips …
Ovid: Amores. Text, Prolegomena and Commentary, in four volumes
Author: J.C. McKeown The first volume of this major commentary begins appropriately with Prolegomena, before offering a text of Ovid’s Amores. The Prolegomena has eight chapters: Tenerorum Lusor Amorum; Doctrina; Recitation; Chronology; The Arrangement of the …
The Oxford Anthology of Roman Literature
Eidtors: Peter E. Knox and J.C. McKeown Though the wonders of ancient Roman culture continue to attract interest across the disciplines, it is difficult to find a lively, accessible collection of the full range of …
The Hippocrates Code: Unraveling the Ancient Mysteries of Modern Medical Terminology
Authors: J.C. McKeown and Joshua M. Smith In this book lies a key for decoding modern medical terminology, a living language that, despite some quirks, is best approached as an ordered system. Rather than presenting …
Classical Latin: An Introductory Course
Author: J.C. McKeown Extensively field-tested and fine-tuned over many years, and designed specifically for a one-year course, JC McKeown’s Classical Latin: An Introductory Course offers a thorough, fascinating, and playful grounding in Latin that combines …
A Cabinet of Roman Curiosities
Author: J.C. McKeown Here is a whimsical and captivating collection of odd facts, strange beliefs, outlandish opinions, and other highly amusing trivia of the ancient Romans. We tend to think of the Romans as a …
A Cabinet of Greek Curiosities
Author: J.C. McKeown Like its companion volume, A Cabinet of Roman Curiosities, this is an uproarious miscellany of odd stories and facts, culled from a lifetime of teaching ancient Greek civilization. In some ways, the book …