Amanda Morrow Publishes

M.A. Alumna Amanda Morrow has published “I Hate My Spouse: The Performative Act of Divorce in Elephantine Aramaic” in the most recent issue of the Journal of Northwese Semitic Languages. Read the full article. Congratulations!

Laura McClure Named President of CAMWS

Professor Laura K. McClure has been appointed President of the Classcial Association of the Middle West and South. She continues a Wisconsin tradition, following in the footsteps of past presidents Water “Ray” Agard (1944-45) and …

Alice Mandell to Speak at Conference

Alice Mandell will be participating in The Scribal Mind: Textual Criticism in Antiquity, a conference hosted by the Institute for the Study of the Ancient World at New York Unversity. Mandell is presenting her work, “The …

Bonesho Publishes Book Note

Catherine Bonesho recently had a book note published in the web journal Ancient Jew Review.  Read her work addressing Jörg Rüpke’s Religious Deviance in the Roman World: Superstition or Individuality? (Translated by David M.B. Richardson), Cambridge …

Atwood Earns Awards

Preston Atwood was chosen to receive the Lipton Essay Award for his paper, “Erotobucolic Humor as Euphemism in Song of Songs: A Comparison with Theocritus’ Idyll 11.19-21.” The award of $750 is courtesy of the Center for Jewish …