Classics Day @ UW

1-4:15 Break out sessions, Union South, room TITU
1:00-1:40 Classics, Free Speech and Contemporary Media**
Adriana Brook (Lawrence University)
Grant Nelsestuen (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
1:40-2:00 The Classics Tuning Project
Lisl Walsh (Beloit College)
2:00-2:40 Classical and Ancient Near Eastern Studies in Wisconsin and Beyond
Thomas Bolin (St. Norbert’s College)
Bob Cargill (University of Iowa)
Anne Marie Kitz (Independent Scholar)
Alice Mandell (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Matthew Waters (University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire)
2:40-3:10 pm Coffee Break
3:10-3:50 Students from Diverse Backgrounds in the Classics Classroom
Will Brockliss (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Keely Lake (Wayland Academy)
Renee Calkins (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee)
Deanna Wesolowski (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee)
3:50-4:30 Classical Archaeology
Jere Wickens (Lawrence University)
Nick Cahill (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Carol Lawton (Lawrence University)
Derek Counts (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee)
Elisabetta Cova (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee)
William Aylward (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
4:45-6:00 pm Public lecture by Sarah Bond (University of Iowa), “Building The Labyrinth: The
Rhetoric of Mazes, Labyrinths and Walls From Antiquity to Trump,” 104 Van Hise
6-7 pm Drinks on the Terrace